communication for art, culture & more

communication for art, culture & more •


From small organisations to large festivals and vice versa, Serenai steps into the client's world, with attention to their values and identity. Whether it's a complete communication campaign or specific parts of it, Serenai brings the right message to the desired audience.

Connection, flexibility, and a human touch;
the sacred trio
of Serenai


consultancy / press / strategy and branding / digital marketing / all-round communication campaigns / social media / advertising / SEO optimisation / strategic workshops


Acteur.beAG Real Estate • Amok festivalAntwerp Spring FestivalArs MusicaArt on paperArtonovBeegroupeBIFFFBits of DanceBloumBozarBrussels Artisanal WorkshopsBrussels Gallery WeekendBruxelles entreprendreCasco PhilChamber music for EuropeCompagnie Lucilia Caesar / Ingrid Von Wantoch RekowskiConcertgebouw Brugge • Concerto Brandenburg • Concerts de midi / MiddagconcertenConcerts EscapadeConservamusDANSAND!DansstormDans in BruggeDecember DanceDIVEDocfest BruggeDour festivalEuropaliaExhibition HubExtra City Festival Courants d'airsFestiVita!FeverFlageyFlat Earth SocietyFondation FolonGent Festival van VlaanderenImpuls festival für Neue MusikIT TowerLes JacqueriesKAAPKIKK festivalKoor&StemThe LiftLes paniers KiltiKlarafestivalKoninklijk Conservatorium BrusselKoninklijke Musea voor Kunst en GeschiedenisKoninklijke Musea voor Schone Kunsten van BelgiëLa Biennale di Venezia / Belgisch Paviljoen 2019/2024Le BaixuLes Festivals de WallonieMeet the MastersM HKAMons Memorial MuseumMontyMosa Ballet SchoolMovie DriveNationa(a)lNeedcompanyOdeGandPentel Arts Challenge Pimp My StreetPlein publiekPierre LaporteQuasi-Museum HarenReiefestivalSint-GorikshallenSongdanceStad BrusselStad TurnhoutFestival STROOMTana QuartetTransforma Uptown DesignVonk & ZonenWalden festival



until January
! Planet Happiness, Brussels

09 - 18.01
! Brussels Jazz Festival, Brussels

until 19.01
! Bozar: Hans/Jean Arp & Sofie Taeuber-Arp - Friends, Lovers, Partners, Brussels

until 26.01
! M HKA: Nástio Mosquito - Kings of Klowns, Antwerp

until 26.01
! Balloon Museum: Emotion Air, Brussels

from 02.02
! Monet: The Immersive Experience, DIVE Antwerp

12 - 16.02
! Flagey Piano Days, Brussels

19 - 23.02
! FestiVita!, Brussels

from 24.02
! SENSAS, Brussels

! Needcompany: Double Bill, Leuven

20 - 30.03
! Klarafestival, Brussels

24 - 30.03
! Antwerp Spring Festival, Antwerp

until 30.03
! Extra City: Silent Times, Antwerp

until 30.03
! Magritte: The Immersive Experience, Brussels

23 - 24.05
! Vers Vuur, Antwerp

All Year
! Dans in Brugge, Bruges
! Flagey, Brussels
! Kaaitheater, Brussels
! Bubble Planet, Brussels


Sarah Vermeulen

founder & managing director

+32 474 85 36 37

Lotte Decaesstecker

communication and project officer

+32 477 39 50 04

Bo-Yen Pang

digital media officer

+32 474 65 04 30

Hannah Smets

digital marketing & communication officer

+32 479 68 23 68


Now for a quick SEO break that will help you find us quickly on your favourite search engine. So, Serenai is a Belgian communication and press agency. Our firm mainly works in the cultural and events sector and has been going strong since 2012. With a bag full of experience and our binoculars fixed on the future, we keep our feet on the ground, put the human touch first, and love clichés like synergies, quality, and trust.

You communicate everywhere; with your mates over a drink, at work, and even in bed. But – as most of you know – it is also a profession in its own right – our profession. We build communication campaigns from start to finish or we help you master one or more elements of your communication plan.

Press campaigns are our core business. We will send out your save the date, organise your press visit, and of course do everything (well, almost everything) to get maximum media coverage. We write a press release that is tailored to your organisation and pitch your event to the right journalists. Are you also looking for media partnerships? You’re at the right address.

Social media: some love it, some hate it, we do it. Setting up, managing or following up Facebook, Instagram or TikTok accounts is something we love doing. We go from content creation to community management.

We have also uncovered the inner secrets of the increasingly complex world of Meta and Google Ads, because there is no promo without digital marketing, right? We set up paid campaigns, targeting, retargeting ... the whole shebang.

If you prefer it old school: print campaigns still do the trick. Flyers and posters combined with the right distributor and their networks will make your campaign stand out.

Are you sitting on a brand-new project launch, or is your communication momentarily lost in the woods? The right communication strategy is fundamental. Together, we dive into your plan, goals, and possibilities. We organise a proper workshop, connect the dots and deliver a ready-to-use strategy.

Last but not least: without text and images, you have nothing. Thanks to our loyal team of copywriters, translators, graphic designers, social media specialists, photographers and videographers, we always find the right tone of voice, imagery and identity. An indispensable part, but no easy task.

We speak, write and think in Dutch, French, English and German. Our office is in Forest, Brussels and our clients are in Antwerp, Bruges, Brussels, Ghent, Mechelen, Ostend, Turnhout, Liège, Charleroi, Namur, ... in short, all over Belgium. We specialise in everything cultural and love music, theatre, dance, performance, design, architecture, visual arts and everything in between. But why stop there – variety is the spice of life, right? Lifestyle, sociocultural projects, science or health ... give us a go!